Hinze Chiropractic & Acupuncture
The success of acupuncture is largely tied to its unique approach to healing. Traditionally, acupuncture has focused on restoring the flow of the body’s vital substances which allows the body to heal itself. To accomplish this, acupuncturists focus on creating a balance between the body's organ systems so that it can function properly. Ancient Chinese medical practitioners labeled one of the body’s vital substances as Qi (chee). Qi is what allows a person to function and is responsible for determining a person’s health state.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
Acupuncture is safe, non-invasive, and painless. This procedure stimulates the natural healing processes of the human body.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
While the study of acupuncture is complex, practitioners focus on stabilizing the pathways of the Qi which flows through various vessels in the body. It is believed that when these vessels become unbalanced, the cells, organs, and tissues within the body are deprived of their necessary nutrition and other vital substances. Unless these disruptions are corrected in a timely matter, the affected area of the body often becomes diseased or even dies. Conversely, if these vessels are opened up and remain open, normal function in the body can be restored. In fact, many patients report a reduction or absence of symptoms such as pain, tiredness, and nausea immediately upon receiving their first acupuncture treatment.
While the Western doctor views the human body mechanically as a machine that needs to be fixed, the Eastern doctor views the human body as a dynamic organism that is capable of thriving when it is in a balanced state. Thus the Western doctor is like a mechanic and the Eastern doctor is like a farmer. Plants cannot be made to grow, rather the correct environment is created so the plants can thrive.
"Staff is awesome. Dr Hinze has helped me and my family tremendously. Highly recommended."
Mario S.
"Friendly staff/welcoming and Dr. Hinze is very knowledgeable. He is definitely helping me with my back problems."
Lisa G.